Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brazilian sports on the go

          Have you ever seen a Brazilian sport? They have a sport called Formula One. The smoke that comes from the car that drifts was like it rained a lot. Brazil is similar to NYC because in a way it is the city that never sleeps. Soccer is the most popular in Brazil.  The screeching sound of the cars was hurting my ears. I wanted to see a formula one car. I want to hold the golden trophies that people won in races. Did you know Brazil has the 2014 world cup and the 2016 Olympics is going to be hosted there. Brazil is great for their soccer team.

                      This is a Formula One car                      
                       drifting along a raceway.

                     The cars are speeding 
                      through the smoke.
This is the popular Soccer                                                                          team in Brazil.

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